Learn About Different Types of Floor Jacks

Before you go and buy a good floor jack, you need to know that there are different types of jacks out there. It would be easy to walk into an auto body shop or a retailer to buy a jack and rely on the help of an assistant. However, having prior knowledge and conducting research might take some time but it will improve your chances of getting a high quality jack suited for your vehicle and needs. There are three types of jacks that you can buy. These include: scissor, hydraulic and bottle jacks. Each of these jacks is distinguished by its operating mechanism as well as its build. In order to ascertain what you need, you must consider two things: what can raise your vehicle and what each type of jack is best suited for.

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Types of Floor Jack

Scissor Jacks

Scissor jacks have a unique mechanism. The jack has a lead screw which compresses the scissor mechanism leading to lifting. In order to use this jack, you need to apply a substantial amount of effort to raise your car. However, these jacks are the most convenient when it comes to portability. They can easily fit in the trunk of your car without adding a lot of weight to the car. In addition to this, they fit snugly under the car thus do not take up a lot of space which provides for safety in case you have to change your tire on the road. These jacks are also popular with manufacturers as they are included with the purchase of the car. Unfortunately, scissor jacks are limited in their height capacity which makes them unsuitable for use in tasks that are more complex than changing tires.

Hydraulic Jacks

Hydraulic jacks have the highest capacity when it comes to lifting vehicles. The jack comprises of a cylinder mechanism that sits on four wheels. The jack also has a detachable lever which is used to pump fluid from one cylinder to another to provide pressure and lift the vehicle. The wheels on the jack come in handy because they help to position it, avoiding slanting and tilting and thus ensuring our safety. Additionally, these jacks can support a lot of weight which comes in handy when you want to lift trucks and other heavy vehicles. The only problem with these jacks is that they are not easily portable due to their weight.  They are therefore best used in garages or at home.

Bottle or Piston Jacks

Bottle jacks are also known as piston jacks. They work similar to the hydraulic jack in that they also employ a hydraulic mechanism. However, these jacks look different as they have concentric cylinders and are high. This means that they cannot be used for sports cars or other low cars. They support a lot of weight and can lift to significant height which makes them perfect for lifting trucks and heavy duty vehicles. They are also preferred because of their small footprint. They can easily be used at the side of the road or in a garage, depending on what you need for your truck or higher car. if you want to know which jack is best for your car, You can find the best car jack reviews here.

Types of Floor Jacks

How to Safely Use a Floor Jack?

Using a floor jack is pretty straightforward. However, there are safety measures that you will need to take if you are going to be raising your vehicle and working underneath. Apart from the damages that your car can get if a floor jack gives in, you can also suffer bodily harm. The latter will lead to high medical bills and more time for recovery. You therefore do not want to take this risk. To avoid these mishaps, you should follow the following steps when using a floor jack.

If you want to know What to Consider When Buying a Floor Jack you can go here https://bestfloorjacks.wordpress.com/2017/05/25/what-to-consider-when-buying-a-floor-jack/

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Select Ground

This is crucial. Before you lift your car, you have to pick the ground that you will park the car on. Sometimes, in situations such as roadside emergencies, you may not have this luxury. However, if you have the option, ensure that you are working on a flat and level surface. Uneven or weak ground could lead to the jack falling and the vehicle collapsing. It is also advisable to work on solid concrete and to avoid grass, gravel or wet earth as it also poses a danger to you as you work on your car. If you do find that you are forced to work on uneven ground, then it is best to use a piston jack as it has a smaller footprint and is therefore easier to balance.

Park the Vehicle

The next step is to prepare the vehicle. Park it and apply the parking brake. This will stop the car from rolling away as you lift it or when you are underneath. This especially comes in handy when you are working on the front wheels because the parking brake engages the back wheels. In addition to parking, you will also need to buy chocks for your wheels. If you cannot get these, find heavy stones or wood to chock your wheels. This is especially important when you are working on the back wheels since you will need to ensure that the front wheels cannot move as the parking brake engages these back wheels.

Use Jack Stands

Additionally, you will need to buy high quality best jack stand. These are used to support the vehicle when you lift it up. The floor jack is not created to do this job. It will give way if you use it for this purpose. Therefore, use the jack to lift your vehicle off the ground then pick some suitable points to place your jack stands. To find the best points, you will need to read through the manual. After you have placed the jack stands, remove the floor jack and check if the stands adequately support the car. You can do this by gently rocking the vehicle. If it feels unstable and rocks from side to side, then you need to position the floor jack under the vehicle and then move the jack stands to another suitable position. Repeat the process until you are sure that the car is stable and you can safely go underneath to repair or maintain it.

How to Use Floor Jack and Safety Stands?

Read Here How To Buy a Good Floor Jack For your Need

What to Consider When Buying a Floor Jack?

Buying a best floor jack can be frustrating, especially if you do not know what to look for in a jack. As is with the purchase of all goods, there are a few factors to consider in order to get the best floor jack. While some of the factors are straightforward, they still need to be emphasized because you might overlook them because of their simplicity and end up with a substandard floor jack. Some of the factors that you need to consider when buying a floor jack include:

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Before you embark on buying a jack, you need to know how much money you will be able to spend on your purchase. Having a limit is a good guiding factor. It will help to narrow down your options and rein in unnecessary purchases. Setting the budget and considering the price should not be translated into buying the cheapest floor jack. In fact, it entails allocating the appropriate amount that is neither too big nor too small for the purchase of a high quality floor jack.

Customer reviews:

One of the most beneficial steps in researching about a product is reading through customer reviews. These not only help you to get a glimpse of the prices that you have to deal with but also help when it comes to narrowing down the best manufacturers and the best model for the jack. You want to see what other people who have a car that is similar to yours have to say about their experience with certain jacks. This will greatly reduce the work that you have to do when picking out a floor jack.

Car Model and Specifications

The other factor to consider is the type of car that you have. How high or how low is it? How heavy is it? Which are the best jacking points? All of this information will help you when choosing a floor jack. The idea is to choose one that can support the weight of your vehicle, comfortably go underneath your vehicle to raise it and also have a height capacity that will allow you to carry out the desired work on your vehicle. Part of this information is available in the manual while the rest can be found on the side of your car door; this includes the weight of the car among other specifications. check here how to jack up a car.

Different Type of Jack 

Finally, you need to consider the type of jack that you are going to use. This will be determined by two major things: the specifications of your car and what you want to use the jack for. These two considerations will determine whether you get a scissor, bottle or a hydraulic jack. This helps to give you a sense of direction before you go to the shop. If you only want a jack for basic functions such as tire changes, then you would rather go for scissor jacks. If, on the other hand, you have to do oil and brake pad changes, the hydraulic floor jack would be a better fit.

Best Floor Jacks video